Twit-to-who knew?

  • owl stood on bath tub ledge wearing a bathtowel with trip advisor logo

Before booking a hotel, visiting a restaurant the go-to place for online is recommendations is Trip Advisor. We’ve looked on Trip Advisor, and reviewed many places ourselves, so we are perplexed as to how we never noticed this about their logo.

Owl head logo with one red eye and one green eye with company name trip advisor

How did we not spot that?

With the connotations attached to owls being that they are wise the brand logo focuses on the use of a basic owl illustration, there is a suggestion of glasses which indicates that you might be looking for something and the brand name clearly suggests that you will be offered advice. That’s it right? Look closer, the owl has one red eye and one green eye, is this a mistake or is there a meaning to the different colored eyes?

We love logos with hidden elements or ‘only too obvious meanings, when explained to you and Trip Advisor’s red and green owl eyes fall exactly in to this category. When you think about it, it’s obvious, green is for ‘go’ and red ‘don’t go’, even preschoolers know that right? So the wise old owl is actually letting us know that the review we are about to read will give us an indication of whether a place is good to visit or not.

Do we like the logo?

We love the hidden colour element in the eyes but feel it is time for a re-fresh. Trip Advisor have made many moves to keep the company relevant and useful to those who contribute and use its services but its brand is falling a little behind. Standard typography and use of the green modernises the brand to some extent and maintains that influence to ‘go’. But the owl is starting to look a little old fashioned. Will Trip Advisor follow Moonpig’s recent move and retire the old owl from his logo tenure?

Does your logo tell your story? Let us create a logo you’ll love 01279 800033

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